Virtual Assistant supporting service-based entrepreneurs in optimizing and automating your back-office systems, workflows, and processes to efficiently scale your business. Let me help you: Grow Your Business | Your Brand | Yourself.
Virtual Assistant supporting service-based entrepreneurs in optimizing and automating your back-office systems, workflows, and processes to efficiently scale your business. Let me help you: Grow Your Business | Your Brand | Yourself.
““Christy is detail-oriented, always “in-the-know” and very resourceful. She is always willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.””
Fill out the form on the Contact page. If it’s determined, based on the information from the form, that we would potentially be a great fit to work together, you will receive an email with a scheduler attached to set up a 15-minute complimentary get-to-know-you call (phone or Zoom - your choice).
You’ll receive two reminders leading up to the call. On our 15-minute call, I’ll want to hear about your business, your pain points, and your vision for your business. If we decide to team up then you’ll receive an email of a typed recap of our conversation along with a proposal, invoice, and contract.
Once the invoice is paid, we CELEBRATE and schedule your onboarding! We’ll have a 45-minute call (phone or Zoom - your choice) to go over all of the specifics of our working relationship (procedures, your systems, how I will receive work from you, passwords, and any other things that I’ll need to make your business successful). Click here and let’s get our day at the beach started!